As technology becomes more and more integrated into our lives, companies are developing all kinds of exercise equipment to help us improve our health and encourage us to increase our physical activity component. These exercise equipment ranges from complex exercise programs to simple gadgets that can adjust what you eat each day by documenting everything you eat. Wi-Fi-enabled bathroom scales to sleep monitors, you can locate and control just about anything related to physical fitness.
For those who like to keep detailed data, these devices work very well and can be a great tool to monitor the effectiveness of your workouts, as well as to make sure they stay on track. Generally speaking, the more you measure your progress toward a goal, the more likely you are to achieve it. Proper tracking devices and other exercise devices can also help motivate you.
Many manufacturers are also starting to incorporate Wi-Fi into their devices. This allows the user to keep all the data he is tracking on a computer or website. Many companies use this to create a social item to help motivate people as well. By allowing you to share your data with other users online, communities form, which encourages competition and creates responsibilities that would not otherwise be possible on their own.
Fitness, technology adds up to a lot of data
For example, one of the largest communities of its kind belongs to Nike +. Nike manufactures a wide range of suitable accessories that can track your runs, control calories burned, sync stats with your phone and all sorts of other cool things. Work suddenly becomes like a video game where you can collect rewards and unlock achievements for various activities, and compare and compete with others. In fact, they will be introducing Nike + Kinect training for the Xbox 360 in the fall, which will create personalized training and fitness programs that will evolve with your body.
With the explosion of mobile phone programs, the number of fitness programs on the market has greatly increased. Programs can help you calculate calories, provide personal training, map out where you’ve been, play music to get you excited to run, and just about anything else you can imagine.
Sleep trackers have also been very popular in the past two years. They allow you to track things like the quality of sleep, how long you slept, the time it took you to get sleep, movements at night, plus all sorts of other interesting information. Over time, collecting this kind of data can really help you identify patterns or problems that may prevent you from resting.
Of course, this kind of technology is not suitable for everyone and, like any other technology, it can introduce a completely different level of frustration and complexity into your exercise. But even if you’re not a technical person, you can still gain a lot of benefits by pursuing your fitness goals, even if only on paper.
For the most part these devices are just that. But if you like to play with toys and technology, they can be a really fun way to add another dimension to your exercise routine. There are a lot of great accessories out there, so if you’re interested in fitness and technology, it’s definitely worth checking it out.
There’s a famous quote that says “what measures is administered” and, when it comes to finding out, those words are very true. If you don’t take the time to monitor your progress and see if you are improving or not, it will be difficult to know if your workouts are effective and will be able to make the necessary adjustments.
Ultimately, if you are spending time and energy to adapt, then wouldn’t you like to be sure that you would spend that time in the most efficient and productive way?
If you love to work, you’ve probably thought about buying or buying some kind of suitable device. These incredible things can provide useful information about exercise, a source of musical inspiration and heartbeat, or even an innovative way to challenge your body. This simplified list provides some of the most suitable devices and what’s worth checking out.
1. Nike + FuelBand
This new fitness device is for everyone who likes to stay active and see the results of their training. Whether you like to exercise, lift weights or walk, the Nike FuelBand collects all kinds of information about your fitness. This highly technical device can measure calories burned, steps taken and general movement, which you can transfer to the Nike website even by uploading wirelessly directly to your iPhone.
2. Wi-Fi body scale
The Wi-Fi Body Balance not only reports your weight, but also shares it. The scale has an integrated wireless connection that is used to send information about your weight and body fat directly to your iPhone, your website and even Twitter.
For those who like to keep detailed data, these devices work very well and can be a great tool to monitor the effectiveness of your workouts, as well as to make sure they stay on track.
3. The Philips Activa player
The Philips Activa player has a unique feature called ‘TempoMusic’, which checks your music library and then combines the songs with their aerobic intensity. Activa can help motivate you by shouting reactions about your progress, in addition to words of encouragement, automatically selecting the right song to match your training pace or speeding up when you need it.
For those who like to keep detailed data, these devices work very well and can be a great tool to monitor the effectiveness of your workouts, as well as to make sure they stay on track.
4. Proper armbands

Proper armbands are nothing new, however, this suitable new device can do much more than normal. You carry a CORE BodyMedia suit in your hand all day, and it uses four different sensors to track a wide range of objects. These sensors record information about the rate at which heat is leaving your body, the temperature of the skin, the galvanic response of the skin to training and also the general movement. Metrics calculated by this part of fitness can together calculate the calories you burn during the day and even report on your sleep habits at night. This can help with various types of health and fitness goals, in addition to allowing you to monitor all recorded activities by sending them to an online account.
For those who like to keep detailed data, these devices work very well and can be a great tool to monitor the effectiveness of your workouts, as well as to make sure they stay on track.
5. Fitbit gadget

A Fitbit gadget that aims to keep you healthy. You can carry this little device that around comfortably all day. The accelerometer tracks your movement and then sends the information wirelessly to a USB receiver connected to the computer. The device then sends all tracked information to the FitBit website, where you can view it and its performance statistics. You can view graphs and charts to track the progress of your routine and appropriate goals.
6. Striiv
The amount of regular activities you do throughout the day and the number of steps you take are important factors to consider when trying to stay healthy. This small, stylish pedometer is a perfect device for recording how much you do every day. The coolest part of the Striiv pedometer is that it is linked to a gaming platform through which you participate in a series of different challenges, it can help you compete with other users to raise money for various charities. The miles traveled, the minutes spent during the day and the number of steps taken are measured by Striiv.
7. Basis Band
One thing that every fitness drug addict needs is a watch that can record his performance. Base Band is a tool that measures heart rate, skin temperature and calculates body calories. It then uses cloud technology to connect the data directly to your computer. With this loaded information, you can compare the amount of calories you burned, with different goals you set earlier, and also see how your heart rate changed during the day as you moved around. Nice!
8. Fitbit Aria
It is certainly not a typical scale. Fitbit Aria device reads much more than just your body mass; you can calculate the amount of body fat and also the BMI (body mass index). This information can be sent wirelessly to your computer and stored so that you can track your goals and light progress. For the family, create separate accounts for each member and also connect with other nutritionists online.
9. UGI-Ball
Like a cross between a bean bag, a balanced medicine ball and a tight ball, the Ugi ball is the newest fitness ball. With 15 inches in diameter, it is a great addition to home exercises.
10. Lose it iPhone fitness program

Lose weight with Lose It! Set goals and set a daily calorie budget that allows you to achieve them. Keep up to date by recording your diet and exercise daily and within your budget. Insert food and exercise easily with a searchable database. Quickly reinsert the foods and meals you have eaten before.
Some people underestimate the importance of an accurate scale. Why exercise and make an effort if the pounds lost are not accurately displayed on the scale? In addition, for those who take fitness seriously, it can be helpful to get an accurate blood pressure calculation. A scale that will show your weight, BMI and total body fat in pounds can be useful, and all of that information can also be sent wirelessly to your smartphone. From there, it will show you a graph of your progress, from weight loss to blood pressure. All of this information will keep you on track and motivated. You can even base what you eat on that information.