Liquid diet plans
When a person only consumes liquids such as juice, smoothies, soups, and eat no solid foods, that is called Liquid Diet. This diet can provide the nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and fiber that the body needs, but only for a short period as it is not a long term nutritional method.
A liquid diet is usually recommended for a person who may have medical issues where they are having difficulty taking in solid foods. Their doctor may advise them to follow a liquid diet for a certain period. Some reasons include :
Post weight loss surgery like gastric bypass – Gastric bypass happens when dieting and exercise do not work for the person, and changes to the digestive system must be performed.
After an operation, the person is only allowed a liquid diet for the first few days and is allowed broth, unsweetened juice, milk, sugar-free gelatin, and decaffeinated coffee or tea.
After dental or oral surgery – they give a liquid diet to patients when there is pain, or a person cannot chew due to an open wound or an incision that needs time to heal.
The person is given a liquid diet and may include fruits, vegetable juice, water, soup, smoothie. The mouth yet may not chew foods, as it will strain the mouth after oral surgery.
Following removal or extraction of multiple teeth – another reason they may prescribe a person to take a liquid diet is after extraction of teeth and may involve not just one tooth but a few. This may make it impossible for the patient to chew foods, as it may be painful to do so. Also, the area of the extraction may need time to heal.
When a jawbone is broken – the person may be feeling a lot of pain and need to promote healing before it can eat solids. A liquid diet will be followed to meet nutritional needs, the time of consumption may increase as the person is only taking in liquids.
When the doctor advised for it before any medical procedure – they will ask the patient to only consume a liquid diet as the stomach is being prepared for an endoscopy procedure. The success of the medical procedure will also depend on this.
For detoxification and cleansing – considered a short-term diet plan to remove toxins from the body and further support wellness. They use a liquid diet with the help of teas, herbs, fruit, or vegetable juice, among others.
For weight loss plan
Liquid diets are low in calories because it mostly comprises fruit juice, vegetable juice, and there are just 500 calories per day that are taken in. There are no unwanted fats and oil in the food being consumed.
We consider liquid diets nutritious, so if someone wants to lose weight, they will have no issue with them not getting the nutrients they need cause there is a replacement for the nutrient needed for different body types.
Also, it is good for losing weight as it is easy on the digestive system, plus digestion is fast, and the absorption of the nutrients is fast as well.
Using the liquid diet plan for weight loss requires less preparation as you mix everything and put them in a blender, or you can boil and puree some food and gulp it in one go.
What is on the lists?
A person who’s on a liquid diet may consume what is on the list below, but sometimes a doctor will recommend specific types of food to be included in the diet plan.

Clear broths, soups, juice without pulp, milk is allowed, and non-dairy creamer for your coffee or tea. There are also hot beverages, including chai, cider, espresso drinks that are milk-based, and must not contain any solid particles.
Vegetable and fruit juice less the pulp is alright. You may use a high-speed blender or perhaps a juicer so you can check the consistency. You can also remove the leftover pulp by using a strainer before consuming it.

Blending vegetables is alright as long as the consistency is just right and it is what you are going for. You can add the seasoning you like, such as gravy, sauce, or butter, then thin it with broth or water. You should follow a smoothie consistency.
Cereals that are cooked can be placed in a blender as well to make sure it is well mashed, and there are no more big particles. You can use milk or water with it. Even creamer is fine.
Milk (lactose-free if needed)
They add milk to fruits or cereals, soups so you can have the taste you like. You can use liquid or powdered milk.
Cottage Cheese/Yogurt

If you want variety in taste, cottage cheese or yogurt can help. It is also easy to blend and will give you a sweet-tasting meal. Yogurt can also give you a more tasty liquid meal.
Since you are on a liquid diet and there are not enough calories to go around, you may opt to add some butter or margarine to your meal.
Eggs and protein
Can be added to any meal, plus it is high in protein. Meat is alright as well for a protein source, but it should be in liquid consistency, you can do this with the help of a high-powered blender.
Any ice cream, frozen yogurt, and ice pops that are melted and less the nuts or candy should be your option. Gelatin is another top choice. When you need to blend ice cream mixed with fruits, make sure that there are no hard particles left and should have the right liquid consistency.
Some people, however, who are trying to lose weight would change their diet without consulting a specialist, and this diet may challenge because of the nutrients that may lack when you follow this diet. It may be smart to ask a doctor first before taking this method of fitness.
While there are other foods that a person may exchange and choose to eat as it offers higher nutritional content.
- Baby food paired with eggs
- Pureed meats
- Fruit and vegetable smoothies
- Protein drinks that are low in sugar
- Milk
How long?
Liquid diet, maybe prescribes only for a few days if it is being used for medical purposes, but for weight loss, there is a different time frame.
A few weeks may not be enough for those who are trying to lose weight as your body may adapt to the removal of solid foods, and your body may still crave what it is used to eating.
Some people who have tried the liquid diet have started with the diet for a few weeks lasting up to 30 days. Others have been at it longer, even lasting for a year.
Also, the length of following this diet will depend on how much weight you need to lose, for instance, some men want to lose their belly fat and remove excess flab goes on a liquid diet, so they have to check with the doctor what they can take for their liquid diet. A doctor will tell more about the health and wellness plan that you should follow when you are on a liquid diet or what other advice they can give you regarding healthy living and your fitness.
Who should avoid a liquid diet?
Pregnant women and those who are lactating – they need all the nutrients and necessary minerals, plus the calorie for them to have a healthy pregnancy. Going on a liquid diet may bring more harm than good. When you are lactating, your child also needs the nutrients that they can get from your breast milk.
Children are not supposed to go on a diet as it is too early for them. However, if a specialist or any doctor advises them because of medical concerns, that is alright as long as they have the right plan on how they go about the type of diet.
Otherwise, since they need calories, vitamins, nutrients for them to grow healthy and robust, it is not a good plan to follow.
Older people
Unless otherwise instructed by a doctor, older people should not live on a liquid diet alone. If there is a need for them to go on a liquid diet, perhaps due to pre-op care or they are having issues with digestion, then and only then they should be allowed to do so and with their doctor’s permission.
- This diet can keep you well hydrated and give the necessary nutrients at the same time.
- It will not cost you too much, unlike other diets.
- The best way to consume food if you are having difficulty chewing solid foods.
- Helps a person after post-surgery.
- It is known to improve skin quality.
- It is another way to lose weight fast.
- Best way to clear intestines for incoming medical procedures
- You may feel cravings even while on this diet
- Mood swings increases
- There may be hunger pangs at night and during mealtime.
- There is a tendency to feel light-headed.
- A tendency to have a weak immune system
- May not be for your long-term health and wellness goal.
What are the risks?
Liquid diets may be low in vitamins, and nutrients and a person’s requirement for it may be compromised. Those who will use a liquid diet must first get the approval of a doctor or a specialist so they can be given a prescription for supplements if needed.